What Are Old People For?
Explore what it means to live a life of fruitful Christian service into our 90s.
Thursday, 31 August: 7:30 – 9pm
Cost: $25
Format: Online (Zoom Webinar)
“Long life is not a curse but a gift. And the gift is one of time.”
So what are all these extra years for? We live in extraordinary times. Most people come to the end of their professional, business or other paid employment in their late fifties or early 60s, and yet they have potentially 25-30+ years of healthy life ahead of them.
In this webinar, Prof Wyatt will explore what it means to live a life of fruitful Christian service into our 90s, how we can navigate the transitions which life forces on us in the final years, and how the local church can support and encourage its senior members.
John Wyatt is Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics at University College London, UK and current President of the UK Christian Medical Fellowship. He is a retired academic and paediatrician. His latest book is The Final Lap: navigating the transitions of later life. To find out more about John Wyatt you can visit his personal website johnwyatt.com. He also has a weekly podcast Matters of Life and Death.